WordPress Security As A Process

Last year, WordPress was responsible for 83% of infected content management sites. Make sure you’re [....]

PHP And WordPress Functions That Can Make Your Site Insecure

Before deploying a new plugin in WordPress, it’s a good idea to keep a list [....]

Creating Better, Faster And More Optimized WordPress Websites

Consumers typically have their own experiences when it comes to web hosting and their own [....]

Beating procrastination as a freelancer

Being a freelancer is pretty hard, regardless of popular belief. It requires lots of dedication [....]

How do we setup a proper development workflow?

When I built my first website, I remember I had only a few files and [....]

19 WooCommerce Store Tips and Tricks You Need to Know

WooCommerce stores have so many different ways to grow that it can sometimes be hard [....]

15 Extremely Useful Tricks for the WordPress using Theme’s Functions File

All WordPress themes come with a powerful functions.php file. This file acts as a plugin [....]

How to radically improve your website performance (Part 2)

It’s time to step-up the game and become great at what you love doing the [....]

How to radically improve your website performance (Part 1)

Waiting for a website to load is not a pleasant experience. Performance is one of [....]

Lessons Learned While Developing Custom WordPress Plugins

Good plugin development and support lead to more downloads. More downloads mean more money and [....]

How To Prevent Common WordPress Theme Mistakes

When creating free or premium WordPress themes, you’re bound to make mistakes. Find out how [....]

A WordPress Plugin That Is Extensible

Just when you thought you’ve finally found a plugin that does everything you need, there’s [....]